Please read carefully!
If you would like to join us at Campioni, please only purchase a meal ticket (seating is limited and tickets must be purchased in advance):
If you would like to participate via Zoom Webinar, please only purchase a webinar ticket.
Purchasing the correct ticket is very important, because we need to give Campioni an accurate count of the number of people we anticipate will be dining at our event.
Purchasing the Webinar Ticket will automatically register you to join the Zoom Webinar. You will not be able to access the Zoom webinar without purchasing the Webinar Ticket.
Do not purchase both types of tickets. Please, only purchase one type of ticket per participant.
Depositions: Witness Preparation and Cross-Examination
Speaker: Rene Rogers, Esq.
Date and Time: Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Networking (At Campioni Only): 5:30pm – 6:00pm
CLE Presentation (On Zoom and at Campioni): 6:00 – 7:00pm
CLE Credit: 1.0
Ethics: 0.0
Members: $10.00
Guests: $20.00
Not a member? Join or renew today!
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