In the years since the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct were enacted in 1990, the world has seen use of cell phones and the internet become common place, but our rules have not been updated to consider these new technologies.
Mr. Scott Rothenberg, of the Law Offices of Scott Rothenberg, will be speaking to our group about how the use and application of these new technologies affects our adherence to the disciplinary rules and how to navigate potential pitfalls.
Join us Wednesday, November 18 at Campioni Restaurant at 5:30pm for our last CLE of the year.
Campioni is located at 13850 Cutten Rd. Houston, TX 77069
[button link=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/clientconfidentialityrothenberg.pdf” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Download the CLE Article[/button]